Frifrakt över 3000:-***Norrmalms Möbler***Since 1947

Privacy Statement (EU)

Denna integritetspolicy uppdaterades senast den januari 27, 2025 och gäller för medborgare och lagligt permanent bosatta i Europeiska ekonomiska samarbetsområdet och Schweiz.

I den här sekretesspolicyn redogör vi för vad vi gör med de uppgifter som vi får om dig via Vi rekommenderar att du läser denna redogörelse noggrant. Vid vår behandling följer vi kraven i lagstiftningen om skydd av personuppgifter. Det innebär bland annat att:

  • vi redogör tydligt för de syften för vilka vi behandlar personuppgifter. Detta gör vi genom denna integritetspolicy;
  • vi strävar efter att begränsa vår insamling av personuppgifter till endast de personuppgifter som krävs för legitima ändamål;
  • vi begär först ditt uttryckliga samtycke för att behandla dina personuppgifter i de fall som kräver ditt samtycke;
  • vi vidtar lämpliga säkerhetsåtgärder för att skydda dina personuppgifter och kräver detta även av de parter som behandlar personuppgifter för vår räkning;
  • vi respekterar din rätt att få tillgång till dina personuppgifter eller att få dem korrigerade eller raderade på din begäran.

Om du har några frågor eller vill veta exakt vilka uppgifter vi har om dig, vänligen kontakta oss.

1. Syfte, uppgifter och lagringsperiod

Vi kan samla in eller ta emot personlig information för ett antal syften som är kopplade till vår affärsverksamhet och som kan inkludera följande: (klicka för att expandera)

2. Cookies

Vår webbplats använder cookies. För mer information om cookies, se vår Cookiepolicy

3. Praxis för offentliggörande av uppgifter

Vi lämnar ut personuppgifter om vi är skyldiga att lämna ut dem enligt lag eller domstolsbeslut, som svar på ett brottsbekämpande organ, i den mån det är tillåtet enligt andra bestämmelser i lagen, för att tillhandahålla information eller för en utredning av en fråga som rör den allmänna säkerheten.

Om vår webbplats eller organisation tas över, säljs eller är inblandad i en sammanslagning eller ett förvärv kan dina uppgifter avslöjas för våra rådgivare och eventuella potentiella köpare och överlämnas till de nya ägarna.

Vi har ingått ett databehandlingsavtal med Google.

Google får inte använda uppgifterna för andra Google-tjänster.

Vi blockerar uppgifter om fullständiga IP-adresser.

4. Säkerhet

Vi har åtagit oss att skydda personuppgifter. Vi vidtar lämpliga säkerhetsåtgärder för att begränsa missbruk av och obehörig åtkomst till personuppgifter. Detta säkerställer att endast nödvändiga personer har tillgång till dina uppgifter, att tillgången till uppgifterna är skyddad och att våra säkerhetsåtgärder regelbundet ses över.

5. Tredje-parts webbplatser

Denna integritetspolicy gäller inte för webbplatser från tredje-part som är anslutna via länkar på vår webbplats. Vi kan inte garantera att dessa tredje parter hanterar dina personuppgifter på ett tillförlitligt eller säkert sätt. Vi rekommenderar att du läser dessa webbplatsers integritetspolicy innan du använder dessa webbplatser.

6. Ändringar av denna integritetspolicy

Vi förbehåller oss rätten att göra ändringar i denna integritetspolicy. Vi rekommenderar att du regelbundet läser denna integritetspolicy för att få kännedom om eventuella ändringar. Dessutom kommer vi att aktivt informera dig när det är möjligt.

7. Tillgång till och ändring av dina uppgifter

Om du har några frågor eller vill veta vilka personuppgifter vi har om dig, vänligen kontakta oss. Du kan kontakta oss genom att använda informationen nedan. Du har följande rättigheter:

  • Du har rätt att få veta varför dina personuppgifter behövs, vad som kommer att hända med dem och hur länge de kommer att sparas.
  • Rätt till tillgång: Du har rätt att få tillgång till dina personuppgifter som vi känner till.
  • Rätt till rättelse: Du har rätt att komplettera, korrigera, få dina personuppgifter raderade eller blockerade när du vill.
  • Om du ger oss ditt samtycke till att behandla dina uppgifter har du rätt att återkalla detta samtycke och få dina personuppgifter raderade.
  • Rätt att överföra dina uppgifter: Du har rätt att begära ut alla dina personuppgifter från den personuppgiftsansvarige och överföra dem i sin helhet till en annan personuppgiftsansvarig.
  • Rätt att invända: Du kan invända mot behandlingen av dina uppgifter. Vi tar hänsyn till detta, om det inte finns motiverade skäl för behandlingen.

Se till att du alltid tydligt anger vem du är, så att vi kan vara säkra på att vi inte ändrar eller raderar uppgifter om fel person.

8. Inlämning av klagomål

Om du inte är nöjd med det sätt på vilket vi hanterar (ett klagomål om) behandlingen av dina personuppgifter har du rätt att lämna in ett klagomål till dataskyddsmyndigheten.

9. Kontaktuppgifter

Tonorex Design AB
Petters väg 3, 579 40 Berga, Sweden
Phone number: +468327283


Nextend Social Login

What personal data we collect and why we collect it

Nextend Social Login collects data when a visitor register, login or link the account with with any of the enabled social provider. It collects the following data: email address, name, social provider identifier and access token. Also it can collect profile picture and more fields with the Pro Addon's sync data feature.

Who we share your data with

Nextend Social Login stores the personal data on your site and does not share it with anyone except the access token which used for the authenticated communication with the social providers.

Does the plugin share personal data with third parties

Nextend Social Login use the access token what the social provider gave to communicate with the providers to verify account and securely access personal data.

How long we retain your data

Nextend Social Login removes the collected personal data when the user deleted from WordPress.

Does the plugin use personal data collected by others?

Nextend Social Login use the personal data collected by the social providers to create account on your site when the visitor authorize it.

Does the plugin store things in the browser?

Yes, Nextend Social Login must create a cookie for visitors who use the social login authorization flow. This cookie required for every provider to secure the communication and to redirect the user back to the last location.

Does the plugin collect telemetry data, directly or indirectly?


Does the plugin enqueue JavaScript, tracking pixels or embed iframes from a third party?



This sample language includes the basics around what personal data your store may be collecting, storing and sharing, as well as who may have access to that data. Depending on what settings are enabled and which additional plugins are used, the specific information shared by your store will vary. We recommend consulting with a lawyer when deciding what information to disclose on your privacy policy.

We collect information about you during the checkout process on our store.

What we collect and store

While you visit our site, we’ll track:

  • Products you’ve viewed: we’ll use this to, for example, show you products you’ve recently viewed
  • Location, IP address and browser type: we’ll use this for purposes like estimating taxes and shipping
  • Shipping address: we’ll ask you to enter this so we can, for instance, estimate shipping before you place an order, and send you the order!

We’ll also use cookies to keep track of cart contents while you’re browsing our site.

Note: you may want to further detail your cookie policy, and link to that section from here.

When you purchase from us, we’ll ask you to provide information including your name, billing address, shipping address, email address, phone number, credit card/payment details and optional account information like username and password. We’ll use this information for purposes, such as, to:

  • Send you information about your account and order
  • Respond to your requests, including refunds and complaints
  • Process payments and prevent fraud
  • Set up your account for our store
  • Comply with any legal obligations we have, such as calculating taxes
  • Improve our store offerings
  • Send you marketing messages, if you choose to receive them

If you create an account, we will store your name, address, email and phone number, which will be used to populate the checkout for future orders.

We generally store information about you for as long as we need the information for the purposes for which we collect and use it, and we are not legally required to continue to keep it. For example, we will store order information for XXX years for tax and accounting purposes. This includes your name, email address and billing and shipping addresses.

We will also store comments or reviews, if you choose to leave them.

Who on our team has access

Members of our team have access to the information you provide us. For example, both Administrators and Shop Managers can access:

  • Order information like what was purchased, when it was purchased and where it should be sent, and
  • Customer information like your name, email address, and billing and shipping information.

Our team members have access to this information to help fulfill orders, process refunds and support you.

What we share with others

In this section you should list who you’re sharing data with, and for what purpose. This could include, but may not be limited to, analytics, marketing, payment gateways, shipping providers, and third party embeds.

We share information with third parties who help us provide our orders and store services to you; for example --


In this subsection you should list which third party payment processors you’re using to take payments on your store since these may handle customer data. We’ve included PayPal as an example, but you should remove this if you’re not using PayPal.

We accept payments through PayPal. When processing payments, some of your data will be passed to PayPal, including information required to process or support the payment, such as the purchase total and billing information.

Please see the PayPal Privacy Policy for more details.


MailPoet newsletter & emails

If you have subscribed to our newsletter or if you are a member of our website (you can log in) or if you have purchased on our website, there is a good chance you will receive emails from us.

We will only send you emails which you have signed up to receive, or which pertain to the services we provided to you.

To send you emails, we use the name and email address you provide us. Our site also logs the IP address you used when you signed up for the service to prevent abuse of the system.

This website can send emails through the MailPoet Sending Service. This service allows us to track opens and clicks on our emails. We use this information to improve the content of our newsletters.

No identifiable information is otherwise tracked outside this website except for the email address.

Below is a list of cookies that may be generated by MailPoet (note that some cookies are only utilized when WooCommerce is installed and activated):

Cookie name: mailpoet_page_view
Cookie expiry: 3,650 days.
Cookie description: The purpose of this cookie is to track the last time a subscriber viewed any page on the site.

Cookie name: mailpoet_revenue_tracking
Cookie expiry: 14 days.
Cookie description: The purpose of this cookie is to track which newsletter sent from your website has acquired a click-through and a subsequent purchase in your WooCommerce store.

Cookie name: mailpoet_subscriber
Cookie expiry: 3,650 days.
Cookie description: The purpose of this cookie is to track subscriber engagement. It is used when the user logs in, signs up in a form, confirms subscription to a newsletter, or places an order through WooCommerce.
Note: User must be opted-in and a confirmed subscriber.

Cookie name: popup_form_dismissed_{$formId}
Cookie expiry: the expiration date varies and can be set per form.
Cookie description: This cookie is used to track if a user has previously dismissed a specific form, preventing the re-display of the form until the cookie's expiration date. It is applicable for popup, slide-in, or fixed bar forms.

Nextend Social Login

What personal data we collect and why we collect it

Nextend Social Login collects data when a visitor register, login or link the account with with any of the enabled social provider. It collects the following data: email address, name, social provider identifier and access token. Also it can collect profile picture and more fields with the Pro Addon's sync data feature.

Who we share your data with

Nextend Social Login stores the personal data on your site and does not share it with anyone except the access token which used for the authenticated communication with the social providers.

Does the plugin share personal data with third parties

Nextend Social Login use the access token what the social provider gave to communicate with the providers to verify account and securely access personal data.

How long we retain your data

Nextend Social Login removes the collected personal data when the user deleted from WordPress.

Does the plugin use personal data collected by others?

Nextend Social Login use the personal data collected by the social providers to create account on your site when the visitor authorize it.

Does the plugin store things in the browser?

Yes, Nextend Social Login must create a cookie for visitors who use the social login authorization flow. This cookie required for every provider to secure the communication and to redirect the user back to the last location.

Does the plugin collect telemetry data, directly or indirectly?


Does the plugin enqueue JavaScript, tracking pixels or embed iframes from a third party?


Nextend Social Login

What personal data we collect and why we collect it

Nextend Social Login collects data when a visitor register, login or link the account with with any of the enabled social provider. It collects the following data: email address, name, social provider identifier and access token. Also it can collect profile picture and more fields with the Pro Addon's sync data feature.

Who we share your data with

Nextend Social Login stores the personal data on your site and does not share it with anyone except the access token which used for the authenticated communication with the social providers.

Does the plugin share personal data with third parties

Nextend Social Login use the access token what the social provider gave to communicate with the providers to verify account and securely access personal data.

How long we retain your data

Nextend Social Login removes the collected personal data when the user deleted from WordPress.

Does the plugin use personal data collected by others?

Nextend Social Login use the personal data collected by the social providers to create account on your site when the visitor authorize it.

Does the plugin store things in the browser?

Yes, Nextend Social Login must create a cookie for visitors who use the social login authorization flow. This cookie required for every provider to secure the communication and to redirect the user back to the last location.

Does the plugin collect telemetry data, directly or indirectly?


Does the plugin enqueue JavaScript, tracking pixels or embed iframes from a third party?



This sample language includes the basics around what personal data your store may be collecting, storing and sharing, as well as who may have access to that data. Depending on what settings are enabled and which additional plugins are used, the specific information shared by your store will vary. We recommend consulting with a lawyer when deciding what information to disclose on your privacy policy.

We collect information about you during the checkout process on our store.

What we collect and store

While you visit our site, we’ll track:

  • Products you’ve viewed: we’ll use this to, for example, show you products you’ve recently viewed
  • Location, IP address and browser type: we’ll use this for purposes like estimating taxes and shipping
  • Shipping address: we’ll ask you to enter this so we can, for instance, estimate shipping before you place an order, and send you the order!

We’ll also use cookies to keep track of cart contents while you’re browsing our site.

Note: you may want to further detail your cookie policy, and link to that section from here.

When you purchase from us, we’ll ask you to provide information including your name, billing address, shipping address, email address, phone number, credit card/payment details and optional account information like username and password. We’ll use this information for purposes, such as, to:

  • Send you information about your account and order
  • Respond to your requests, including refunds and complaints
  • Process payments and prevent fraud
  • Set up your account for our store
  • Comply with any legal obligations we have, such as calculating taxes
  • Improve our store offerings
  • Send you marketing messages, if you choose to receive them

If you create an account, we will store your name, address, email and phone number, which will be used to populate the checkout for future orders.

We generally store information about you for as long as we need the information for the purposes for which we collect and use it, and we are not legally required to continue to keep it. For example, we will store order information for XXX years for tax and accounting purposes. This includes your name, email address and billing and shipping addresses.

We will also store comments or reviews, if you choose to leave them.

Who on our team has access

Members of our team have access to the information you provide us. For example, both Administrators and Shop Managers can access:

  • Order information like what was purchased, when it was purchased and where it should be sent, and
  • Customer information like your name, email address, and billing and shipping information.

Our team members have access to this information to help fulfill orders, process refunds and support you.

What we share with others

In this section you should list who you’re sharing data with, and for what purpose. This could include, but may not be limited to, analytics, marketing, payment gateways, shipping providers, and third party embeds.

We share information with third parties who help us provide our orders and store services to you; for example --


In this subsection you should list which third party payment processors you’re using to take payments on your store since these may handle customer data. We’ve included PayPal as an example, but you should remove this if you’re not using PayPal.

We accept payments through PayPal. When processing payments, some of your data will be passed to PayPal, including information required to process or support the payment, such as the purchase total and billing information.

Please see the PayPal Privacy Policy for more details.


This sample language includes the basics around what personal data your store may be collecting, storing and sharing, as well as who may have access to that data. Depending on what settings are enabled and which additional plugins are used, the specific information shared by your store will vary. We recommend consulting with a lawyer when deciding what information to disclose on your privacy policy.

We collect information about you during the checkout process on our store.

What we collect and store

While you visit our site, we’ll track:

  • Products you’ve viewed: we’ll use this to, for example, show you products you’ve recently viewed
  • Location, IP address and browser type: we’ll use this for purposes like estimating taxes and shipping
  • Shipping address: we’ll ask you to enter this so we can, for instance, estimate shipping before you place an order, and send you the order!

We’ll also use cookies to keep track of cart contents while you’re browsing our site.

Note: you may want to further detail your cookie policy, and link to that section from here.

When you purchase from us, we’ll ask you to provide information including your name, billing address, shipping address, email address, phone number, credit card/payment details and optional account information like username and password. We’ll use this information for purposes, such as, to:

  • Send you information about your account and order
  • Respond to your requests, including refunds and complaints
  • Process payments and prevent fraud
  • Set up your account for our store
  • Comply with any legal obligations we have, such as calculating taxes
  • Improve our store offerings
  • Send you marketing messages, if you choose to receive them

If you create an account, we will store your name, address, email and phone number, which will be used to populate the checkout for future orders.

We generally store information about you for as long as we need the information for the purposes for which we collect and use it, and we are not legally required to continue to keep it. For example, we will store order information for XXX years for tax and accounting purposes. This includes your name, email address and billing and shipping addresses.

We will also store comments or reviews, if you choose to leave them.

Who on our team has access

Members of our team have access to the information you provide us. For example, both Administrators and Shop Managers can access:

  • Order information like what was purchased, when it was purchased and where it should be sent, and
  • Customer information like your name, email address, and billing and shipping information.

Our team members have access to this information to help fulfill orders, process refunds and support you.

What we share with others

In this section you should list who you’re sharing data with, and for what purpose. This could include, but may not be limited to, analytics, marketing, payment gateways, shipping providers, and third party embeds.

We share information with third parties who help us provide our orders and store services to you; for example --


In this subsection you should list which third party payment processors you’re using to take payments on your store since these may handle customer data. We’ve included PayPal as an example, but you should remove this if you’re not using PayPal.

We accept payments through PayPal. When processing payments, some of your data will be passed to PayPal, including information required to process or support the payment, such as the purchase total and billing information.

Please see the PayPal Privacy Policy for more details.

Nextend Social Login

What personal data we collect and why we collect it

Nextend Social Login collects data when a visitor register, login or link the account with with any of the enabled social provider. It collects the following data: email address, name, social provider identifier and access token. Also it can collect profile picture and more fields with the Pro Addon's sync data feature.

Who we share your data with

Nextend Social Login stores the personal data on your site and does not share it with anyone except the access token which used for the authenticated communication with the social providers.

Does the plugin share personal data with third parties

Nextend Social Login use the access token what the social provider gave to communicate with the providers to verify account and securely access personal data.

How long we retain your data

Nextend Social Login removes the collected personal data when the user deleted from WordPress.

Does the plugin use personal data collected by others?

Nextend Social Login use the personal data collected by the social providers to create account on your site when the visitor authorize it.

Does the plugin store things in the browser?

Yes, Nextend Social Login must create a cookie for visitors who use the social login authorization flow. This cookie required for every provider to secure the communication and to redirect the user back to the last location.

Does the plugin collect telemetry data, directly or indirectly?


Does the plugin enqueue JavaScript, tracking pixels or embed iframes from a third party?


Forminator Forms

Which forms collect personal data?

If you use Forminator PRO to create and embed any forms on your website, you may need to mention it here to properly distinguish it from other forms.

What personal data do we collect and why?

By default Forminator captures the <strong>IP Address</strong> for each submission to a Form. Other personal data such as your <strong>name</strong> and <strong>email address</strong> may also be captured, depending on the Form Fields.

Note: In this section you should include any personal data you collected and which form captures personal data to give users more relevant information. You should also include an explanation of why this data is needed. The explanation must note either the legal basis for your data collection and retention of the active consent the user has given. 

Suggested text: When visitors or users submit a form, we capture the <strong>IP Address</strong> for spam protection. We also capture the <strong>email address</strong> and might capture other personal data included in the Form fields.

How long we retain your data

By default Forminator retains all form submissions <strong>forever</strong>. You can change this setting in <strong>Forminator</strong> » <strong>Settings</strong> » <strong>Privacy Settings</strong>

Suggested text: When visitors or users submit a form we retain the data for 30 days.

Where we send your data

Suggested text: All collected data might be shown publicly and we send it to our workers or contractors to perform necessary actions based on the form submission.

Third Parties

If your forms utilize either built-in or external third party services, in this section you should mention any third parties and its privacy policy.

By default Forminator Forms can be configured to connect with these third parties:

  • Akismet. Enabled when you installed and configured Akismet on your site.
  • Google reCAPTCHA. Enabled when you added reCAPTCHA on your forms.
  • hCaptcha. Enabled when you added hCaptcha on your forms.
  • Mailchimp. Enabled when you activated and set up Mailchimp on Integrations settings.
  • ActiveCampaign. Enabled when you activated and set up ActiveCampaign on Integrations settings.
  • Aweber. Enabled when you activated and set up Aweber on Integrations settings.
  • Campaign Monitor. Enabled when you activated and set up Campaign Monitor on Integrations settings.
  • Google Drive. Enabled when you activated and set up Google Drive on Integrations settings.
  • Trello. Enabled when you activated and set up Trello on Integrations settings.
  • Slack. Enabled when you activated and set up Slack on Integrations settings.

Suggested text: 

We use Google reCAPTCHA for spam protection. Their privacy policy can be found here :

We use hCaptcha for spam protection. Their privacy policy can be found here :

We use Akismet Spam for spam protection. Their privacy policy can be found here :

We use Mailchimp to manage our subscriber list. Their privacy policy can be found here :

We use ActiveCampaign to manage our subscriber list. Their privacy policy can be found here :

We use Aweber to manage our subscriber list. Their privacy policy can be found here :

We use Campaign Monitor to manage our subscriber list. Their privacy policy can be found here :

We use Google Drive and Google Sheets to manage our integration data. Their privacy policy can be found here :

We use Trello to manage our integration data. Their privacy policy can be found here :

We use Slack to manage our integration data. Their privacy policy can be found here :


Klarna Checkout for WooCommerce

When you place an order in the webstore with Klarna Checkout as the choosen payment method, information about the products in the order (name, price, quantity, SKU) is sent to Klarna. When the purchase is finalized Klarna sends your billing and shipping address back to the webstore. This data plus an unique identifier for the purchase is then stored as billing and shipping data in the order in WooCommerce.


By using this extension, you may be storing personal data or sharing data with an external service. Learn more about how this works, including what you may want to include in your privacy policy.

LiteSpeed Cache

This site utilizes caching in order to facilitate a faster response time and better user experience. Caching potentially stores a duplicate copy of every web page that is on display on this site. All cache files are temporary, and are never accessed by any third party, except as necessary to obtain technical support from the cache plugin vendor. Cache files expire on a schedule set by the site administrator, but may easily be purged by the admin before their natural expiration, if necessary. We may use services to process & cache your data temporarily.Please see for more details.

MailChimp for WooCommerce

When shopping, we keep a record of your email and the cart contents for up to 30 days on our server. This record is kept to repopulate the contents of your cart if you switch devices or needed to come back another day. Read our privacy policy here.


This sample language includes the basics around what personal data your store may be collecting, storing and sharing, as well as who may have access to that data. Depending on what settings are enabled and which additional plugins are used, the specific information shared by your store will vary. We recommend consulting with a lawyer when deciding what information to disclose on your privacy policy.

We collect information about you during the checkout process on our store.

What we collect and store

While you visit our site, we’ll track:

  • Products you’ve viewed: we’ll use this to, for example, show you products you’ve recently viewed
  • Location, IP address and browser type: we’ll use this for purposes like estimating taxes and shipping
  • Shipping address: we’ll ask you to enter this so we can, for instance, estimate shipping before you place an order, and send you the order!

We’ll also use cookies to keep track of cart contents while you’re browsing our site.

Note: you may want to further detail your cookie policy, and link to that section from here.

When you purchase from us, we’ll ask you to provide information including your name, billing address, shipping address, email address, phone number, credit card/payment details and optional account information like username and password. We’ll use this information for purposes, such as, to:

  • Send you information about your account and order
  • Respond to your requests, including refunds and complaints
  • Process payments and prevent fraud
  • Set up your account for our store
  • Comply with any legal obligations we have, such as calculating taxes
  • Improve our store offerings
  • Send you marketing messages, if you choose to receive them

If you create an account, we will store your name, address, email and phone number, which will be used to populate the checkout for future orders.

We generally store information about you for as long as we need the information for the purposes for which we collect and use it, and we are not legally required to continue to keep it. For example, we will store order information for XXX years for tax and accounting purposes. This includes your name, email address and billing and shipping addresses.

We will also store comments or reviews, if you choose to leave them.

Who on our team has access

Members of our team have access to the information you provide us. For example, both Administrators and Shop Managers can access:

  • Order information like what was purchased, when it was purchased and where it should be sent, and
  • Customer information like your name, email address, and billing and shipping information.

Our team members have access to this information to help fulfill orders, process refunds and support you.

What we share with others

In this section you should list who you’re sharing data with, and for what purpose. This could include, but may not be limited to, analytics, marketing, payment gateways, shipping providers, and third party embeds.

We share information with third parties who help us provide our orders and store services to you; for example --


In this subsection you should list which third party payment processors you’re using to take payments on your store since these may handle customer data. We’ve included PayPal as an example, but you should remove this if you’re not using PayPal.

We accept payments through PayPal. When processing payments, some of your data will be passed to PayPal, including information required to process or support the payment, such as the purchase total and billing information.

Please see the PayPal Privacy Policy for more details.

Nextend Social Login

What personal data we collect and why we collect it

Nextend Social Login collects data when a visitor register, login or link the account with with any of the enabled social provider. It collects the following data: email address, name, social provider identifier and access token. Also it can collect profile picture and more fields with the Pro Addon's sync data feature.

Who we share your data with

Nextend Social Login stores the personal data on your site and does not share it with anyone except the access token which used for the authenticated communication with the social providers.

Does the plugin share personal data with third parties

Nextend Social Login use the access token what the social provider gave to communicate with the providers to verify account and securely access personal data.

How long we retain your data

Nextend Social Login removes the collected personal data when the user deleted from WordPress.

Does the plugin use personal data collected by others?

Nextend Social Login use the personal data collected by the social providers to create account on your site when the visitor authorize it.

Does the plugin store things in the browser?

Yes, Nextend Social Login must create a cookie for visitors who use the social login authorization flow. This cookie required for every provider to secure the communication and to redirect the user back to the last location.

Does the plugin collect telemetry data, directly or indirectly?


Does the plugin enqueue JavaScript, tracking pixels or embed iframes from a third party?



MailPoet newsletter & emails

If you have subscribed to our newsletter or if you are a member of our website (you can log in) or if you have purchased on our website, there is a good chance you will receive emails from us.

We will only send you emails which you have signed up to receive, or which pertain to the services we provided to you.

To send you emails, we use the name and email address you provide us. Our site also logs the IP address you used when you signed up for the service to prevent abuse of the system.

This website can send emails through the MailPoet Sending Service. This service allows us to track opens and clicks on our emails. We use this information to improve the content of our newsletters.

No identifiable information is otherwise tracked outside this website except for the email address.

Below is a list of cookies that may be generated by MailPoet (note that some cookies are only utilized when WooCommerce is installed and activated):

Cookie name: mailpoet_page_view
Cookie expiry: 3,650 days.
Cookie description: The purpose of this cookie is to track the last time a subscriber viewed any page on the site.

Cookie name: mailpoet_revenue_tracking
Cookie expiry: 14 days.
Cookie description: The purpose of this cookie is to track which newsletter sent from your website has acquired a click-through and a subsequent purchase in your WooCommerce store.

Cookie name: mailpoet_subscriber
Cookie expiry: 3,650 days.
Cookie description: The purpose of this cookie is to track subscriber engagement. It is used when the user logs in, signs up in a form, confirms subscription to a newsletter, or places an order through WooCommerce.
Note: User must be opted-in and a confirmed subscriber.

Cookie name: popup_form_dismissed_{$formId}
Cookie expiry: the expiration date varies and can be set per form.
Cookie description: This cookie is used to track if a user has previously dismissed a specific form, preventing the re-display of the form until the cookie's expiration date. It is applicable for popup, slide-in, or fixed bar forms.

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